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- From: "Dr. Richard. X. Frager" <smcqueen@cyberhighway.net>
- Newsgroups: alt.paranet.abduct,alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranet.ufo,alt.alien.research
- Subject: Re: ET's Give Reasons For Animal Mutilations and Human Abductions/"Necessity Supersedes Diplomacy."
- Date: 8 Jun 1996 01:37:16 GMT
- Organization: Fragers Molecular Robotics and Nanotechnology
- Lines: 89
- Message-ID: <4palgc$nm4@host-3.cyberhighway.net>
- References: <4p9kql$13i@host-3.cyberhighway.net> <4pa19l$4og@cwis-20.wayne.edu>
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- To: jmowell@california.com
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- Xref: news.demon.co.uk alt.paranet.abduct:5606 alt.alien.visitors:85889 alt.paranet.ufo:52085 alt.alien.research:24977
- mje@pookie.pass.wayne.edu (Michael Edelman) wrote:
- >
- >In normal scientific inquiry, we'd say "the data is unreliable"
- You mean "Establishment" science. Like the kind funded by the
- N.S.F. or N.I.S. That science intentionally covers-up the alien
- presence by hiring "debunkers" (The Militarys own term) such as
- Carl Sagan and Phil Klass. But if you look at the science applied to
- studying UFOs, you will see that the science
- used to interpret data is the same as "Establishment" science.
- But with no ax-to-grind, the results are presented wherever
- they data leads us to.
- >...and dealing with puberty...!
- That's not a bad exucse, but it also isn't a very good excuse either.
- If your daughter got raped, or said she did, I guess as a Dad you
- would say to her, "It didn't happen, you are dealing with puberty."
- That isn't science, that's psuedo-science, which I am against.
- >So every few weeks her fantasies are reinforced and extended, and
- >suprisingly enough, the become stronger and more detailed. What
- >a surprise.
- A lame-brain excuse. If anything, the debunkers (who are only
- fooling themselves at this point) reinforce their mumbo-jumbo
- by reliving great moments in debunkology. I bet you will probably
- use the much discredited "false-memory" spin-drome next.
- >
- >Anyone interested in this phenomena woulkd do well to read the *mountain*
- >of literature in pyshology, centering around the seminal works of
- >Elizabeth Loftus, *the* pioneer in a false perception and memory
- >studies. See her book "The Myth of Repressed Memory" as well as
- >the absolute mountain of studies by her, all in refereed publications.
- >A search on the web will point you in the right direction.
- Well I'll be. The much discredited CIA-sponsored "Fasle Memory
- Spin-drome" You better get your hands on "Psychic Dictatorship in the
- USA" by Alex Constantine, before you make a fool of yourself again.
- Tell the "Agency" to come up with something else, PLEASE! Even
- the obvious "stooge" Dean hasn't sunk that low!
- >...which generally means "not institutionalizable ;-)
- Wow! I've got to remember that one. Not insitutionalizable probably
- rolls off the lips as easily as "confabulation!"
- >
- >You don't need to be crazy to have false memories and delusional
- >beliefs, especially when you've had profesisonal help in reinforcing
- >these beliefs. We all have some distorted and false memories, especially
- >from childhood.
- >
- But you need to be the crazy to come with a "weather balloon" exucse and
- then change to a super-secret "balloon!" to explain away the Roswell UFO
- crash!
- Not to mention the tens of thousands of other credible sightings
- since then.
- >Since when did UFO hunters become experts at judging whether someone
- >is "fantasy prone"? At any rate, the term does not appear in DSM
- >and is not a shared diagnosis.
- Since when does the CIA ever report how much money they get per year?
- Never, it's a secret. As well as the "black budget" that is money not
- accountable to anybody. Better read "Blank Check" by Pulitzer-Prize
- winner Tim Weiner. And then multiply his estimate of the black-budget
- by 10 to 20 to come up with how much is spent now (1996-1997.)
- >
- >The supposed revelations that follow seem to be a mix of displaced
- >sexual fantasies, science fiction, popular saucer legends and the
- >like, all probably reinforced by hypnotherapy.
- That's pretty good. If it was one case I would almost agree with
- you. While you are reading, take in Karla Turners book called
- "Taken - Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda."
- Your debunking is actually a breath of fresh-air, after the terrible
- debunking we have had lately. John H, Al G. and the usual cast of nuts
- have stunk this place up. So it's good to see you around.
- But drop the "false-memory" syndrome stuff, you won't find many
- converts here.